
Posts Tagged ‘Definition of Social Media Spamming’

Let’s talk about Social Media Spamming.  How often do you connect with someone, only to receive a “Come and Get It”, “Today Only”, You Know You Want Me…I Have ALL The Answers”, “Let ME Sell You Something Everyone Else Is Trying To Sell You Too?” The irony is these “spammers” may never see this article or articles like it and they are the very people who need it. Recently, I met a talented photographer on LinkedIn and we began to communicate. I was sincerely impressed with his photographs and said so. He wrote back a sincere thank you and asked if there was anything he could do to help me. Wow! Perhaps I shouldn’t be so shocked (and I am) but it is rare. It shouldn’t be. So what canwe do with social media to be effective and still be genuine? Let’s establish what social media is first. Then we will talk about what you can do to connect with people. According to Dictionary.com, as I have broken it down here, the definition(s) of  Social Media below will help you go deeper into the way to connect with people and why you should avoid spam. There is a lot of human psychology spammers are oblivious of. The word social means:

  1. pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club.
  2. seeking or enjoying the companionship  of others;  friendly; sociable;  gregarious.

Media, on the other hand, means:

  1. the means of communication, such as radio and television,  newspapers, and magazines, that reach or influence people widely.
Here is an amplified definition of Social Media; ala Jo:  A means by which people who are devoted to building relationships and are characterized by friendly interactions, communicate with people on such mediums as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Through these friendly interactions they connect with,  reach, and influence people widely. Let’s breakdown my new version of the definition of  Social Media.
  • Devoted–dedication and a loyalty to
  • Building relationships–builders start with a foundation and a frame long before they ask you to buy
  • Characterized–this is how people really see you
  • Friendly interactions–there is back and forth reciprocal action which will effect or influence your results. If you are genuine and you truly express goodwill you will build a foundation of trust based on a knowledge of those you interact with.
  • Communicate–an exchanging of  thoughts, feelings,  information, etc through writing and speaking
  • Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn–Social Media sites designed to provide a means to communicate with friends, family, and/or like minded individuals, including those in or looking for a business, service, or product.
  • Connect–it is the establishing of communications between two or more individuals. It is the joining, binding, or uniting of these people. It can be mental or emotional
  • Reach–to establish communication. To succeed in making contact with someone or a group of individuals, touching and influencing them.
  • Influencing–one of our greatest powers as humans. The ability to effect behavior, to move others to take actions, and to change opinions. (Note: One of my favorite lines from a movie comes from Spiderman’s Uncle Ben, “With great power comes great responsibility”.)
  • Widely–I added this word to encourage you. As you apply this new definition for Social Media (and make it your own) you will indeed reach many people and if you heed Uncle Ben’s words you will have the power to influence many, in a positive and truly fulfilling way.
 The Social Media platforms we are using truly have potential benefits. There are many things to consider when choosing this medium. For example, Facebook is big. With over 650,000,000 members it has become the new Google to many entrepreneurs. But remember it’s birth as a social gathering of friends before you think that you are destined to make it big on Facebook. LinkedIn is meant to leave the friends and family idea behind. Business owners and like-minded individuals gather and converse on a level that can be friendly yet is more business related by nature. So rather you Tweet on Twitter, post on Facebook, or converse on LinkedIn you need to be aware of your goal and the goals of those you interact with if you are going to see a positive outcome.
Most importantly remember to down play the “ME”dia in Social Media and strive to discover who the people are that you are connecting with. By now you see the value in the new definition of Social Media. By now you know how to avoid spamming. And if you by now know you desire to be in a new breed of entrepreneurs please leave a comment and join me on Facebook.

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